Home Town Akureyri


My Station


Í.R.A. Awards


I got my Amateur Radio license in October 1977. The license is no: 125 in Iceland.
The callsign was TF5BW and that was my callsign until June 2008 then my callsign changed to TF5B.

My main interest in amateur radio has always been DX and Amateur Radio Awards.
I have worked about 295 DXCC countries and have about 1.300 amateur radio awards.

From 1984 to 1994 I was fairly active but from 1995 to 2008 there was not much activity.
From 2009 activity started again and in 2010 I did rebuild my station repairing antennas an rotator and buying new gear.

I got interested in Digimodes in early 2011 and have mostly been on RTTY, which is my favorite mode, also PSK, JT65 and FT8since.
I did set the goal to work 100 DXCC Entities in 100 days and did just that. In October 2011 the Digital DXCC Award No: 3.010 was on the wall in my shack.

The photo on the top row is from my home town Akureyri in Eyjafjörður on the northern coast of Iceland and is from 29th December 2008.

Akureyri is situated in north-east Iceland, in one of the longest fjords in the country and is surrounded by mountains reaching 1000-1500 m. The Arctic Circle in only 60 km north of Akureyri but still the climate is mild, with summer temperatures up to 25°C and winter temperatures in average around 0˚C.

And here you can find some info about my home town in english Akureyri and here Visit Akureyri Take a look at these webpages and learn something about my beautiful town.

QSL policy:

I answer all QSL cards that I receive.
Direct cards with SAE and the minimum 1 valid IRC or 3 USD will be answered direct. (Sorry but after the latest postage increase, 2 USD are no longer sufficient).
Direct cards with SAE, but without return postage will be answered via bureau.
Direct cards without SAE and return postage will be answered via the Bureau.
QSL via bureau is OK and all cards are answered the same way.
SWL QSL cards are welcome.



Please note, that if you had a QSO when you were using a club station call sign, that does not mean that you can automatically request a second QSL for your personal call sign. A QSL can only be written out if it was logged separately (with your call sign).

QTH Locator IP05wq, IOTA EU-021

I use Ham Radio Delux version 6.+ for all on air logging
I use LOGic 9.+ for all other work on the log like printing QSL cards, searcing for qsos on awards and so on.

Previous callsign TF5BW
All my logs for TF5BW and TF5B are on the ARRL Logbook of the World, eqsl.cc & Club Log and are uploaded at least once a month.


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EU area is
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1010 Logo
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TF5B Shack